Many competent journalists had evidence that McCarthy's statements were lies or clever distortions. 很多干练的记者,掌握确凿证据,说明麦卡锡的一些声明纯粹是谎言和狡猾的歪曲。
Most people are competent to give evidence. 多数人都有资格提供证据。
In the event that any of the requirements of this Section are not met, a court of competent jurisdiction shall determine parentage based on evidence of the parties'intent. 在不符合本部分任何一项要求的情况下有合格管辖权的法庭将根据相关各方的意图方面的证据确定亲子权。
( v) is independently developed by the receiving party without use of or reference to the disclosing party's Confidential Information, as shown by documents and other competent evidence in the receiving party's possession; 有文件和记录证明对方没有使用所透露的机密信息而独立开发的信息;
After specific training in the safe and competent use of DCM-containing paint strippers; supported by a certificate or other documentary evidence recognized by the Member State. 接受过含DCM去漆剂安全和专业使用的特殊培训,并提供成员国承认的证书或其它证明文件;
Written testimony is not competent witnesses'testimony but it still is competent documentary evidence. 书面证言不是适格的证人证言,但却是适格的书证;
Because of the close relationship of the credibility of scie-tech evidence to the laws of the development of science and technology, certain priciples must be followed in adopting the competent sci-tech evidence in accordance with the relevant rules. 科技证据的可靠性与科技的发展规律有密切关系,具有证据能力的科技证据在采纳时必须贯彻一定的原则,并按有关规则进行。
The theory of psychology plays an important part when a judge determines. Excellent mentality quality is the prerequisite for a judge to be competent to perform the responsibility of judging evidence. 心理学原理在法官的判断中有着极为重要的作用,良好的心理素质是法官胜任认证职责的先决条件。
In law enforcement, antitrust competent authorities to provide evidence with the help of the prosecution of consumers, and can act as "amicus curiae" in court, to alleviate consumers burden of proof. 在执法上,反垄断主管机关对消费者的起诉提供证据上的帮助,并可以在法庭上充当法庭之友,减轻消费者的举证负担。